Friday, August 30, 2024

On New Thought Theology

 People don't like who God is. And instead of accepting what's true about Him and worshiping Him, people reject who He is and create a god that likes what they like and believes what they believe and rejects what they reject. They pick and choose what they like and dislike from the Bible like it's a bag of Skittles. So it's a little ironic to me they would turn around and make a claim that they're a Christian who takes the Bible literally and accepts what it says but make a God in their own image. It gives me a little chuckle. 

Melissa Dougherty

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Fair Time

 We barely got to spend any time at all at the Trumbull County Fair this year. With work and babysitting, the weeks are gone in a flash. Admission price went up this year too so several people who we'd usually hang out with, like Rich and Angela, didn't go at all. We did get the booth set up for 4-H. Melissa took Wesley for one evening with J and Sami and their girls.

Monday, July 15, 2024


 What a fabulous time! Relaxing, unwinding, spending quality time together, doing fun activities, and filling up the tank to work for another year till the next vacation! 😅

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


 It was quite a chore getting Wesley up and out the door in time to try to catch the beginning of Vacation Bible School. He normally doesn't get up until 9:00-9:30 but VBS started at 9:30. I don't think we made it by 9:30 one single time but that's okay. He had a blast! And all the other kids loved having him there. 

Our church chose the Jungle Journey VBS package created by Answers in Genesis. I was very pleased with the content. The lyrics of the songs and the Bible lessons, very doctorally sound. The games and food and crafts were icing on the cake.