Saturday, June 25, 2016

I Have a Wonderful Family!

1.    My Houseboy, Coco

Most of the time I was in the hospital, I was pretty miserable.  I didn't feel well enough to talk or read or watch TV or even blog!!!  Say what?  It was a struggle to do the most basic things:  get a drink of water, go to the bathroom, roll over in bed, put my socks on/off!  Let alone repositioning my icepack or finding the call button.  I was in so much pain that it was better just to let my lips burn or my nose run rather than reach for something.

Sunday was probably my best day there--because my family visited me.  Bryan was a godsend.  First of all, just him being there, can't explain it.  It's been like that for 28 years.  Second, he was able to do those little things for me that made me SO much more comfortable.  Something simple like getting my chapstick.  I had him do so many little things like that, I started calling him my houseboy Coco as a joke.  He didn't like that at all, though!

2.   My Personal Assistant

Melissa was an amazing miracle worker the entire time.  She kept up with me through text and did so many things off site that let me rest easy,  like making sure my banking and bill paying didn't get behind, tons of research on medicine, procedures, symptoms, etc.  She washed my peed clothes from the ER accident, brought me fresh underwear, looked after Bryan, communicated with friends & family, and left work to pick me up and take me home when they FINALLY discharged me after keeping me hanging for hours.

She downloaded all the info we wanted to keep off Bryan's phone so he could get his new one activated.  She found an app that tells the cheapest price around various pharmacies for my prescriptions.  She somehow found a coupon for the one pill that I needed that the hospital didn't qualify me for a free starter supply that would have cost us around $400.  She is amazing!

3.  The Joe

While his wife was preoccupied with her ailing mother, Joe quietly (well maybe not) went on with business not quite as usual.  He brought me stuff to read and talked with me about things that were happening that I was missing.  And he kept the gossip about me from getting out of hand.

Don't know how I can ever fully express what I feel about this.  You all are great!

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