Saturday, February 6, 2016

The One-Eyed Man

We went to EyeMart today to get Bryan new glasses.  Years ago it was discovered he has a condition called keratoconus that progressively pulls the cornea out into a cone shape and distorts the vision.  It was scary thinking about how his vision is going to continue to deteriorate.  We wondered if he was in danger of losing his ability to drive a car.   We prayed for God to heal him or make us able to handle this problem.  The treatment is hard contact lenses which simulate the correct shape.  We paid for the contacts and he tried to wear them but found it impossible. 

That was quite a long time ago and God has answered our prayers because it has really made no difference in his life.  He still does everything he always has done and continues to wear the same kind of regular glasses that he has always worn.

This eye exam revealed that his vision in the bad eye is not even 20/300 now!  However the doctor says he should have no issues retaining his driver's license and if any question arises, he will give him a signed statement to that effect.  He said Bryan is doing very well compensating with the other eye.  Many people drive who have only one eye, so surely it shouldn't be an issue for him.  Now we are calling him the one-eyed man.   hahaha

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