Friday, May 20, 2016

Another "Sloshing Incident"

Okay, so this needs some back story.

First off, our family--Bryan, Melissa, and I--have owned a lot of Blazers/Jimmys. 

Now, we have noticed over the years that the sensor for the level of gasoline in the tank is a bit picky.  When going downhill or coming to a stop, the gauge dips a little.  When going up a hill or accelerating, the gauge shows a bit more gas that is actually there.

Twice I have run out of  gas at the café we used to own while sitting facing down waiting to make a left turn.  Once, I was low on gas and when in sight of the gas station, a car in front of me slowed suddenly and I had to hit my brake firmly--only to stall out.

We have surmised that when the gas "sloshes" off the sensor, it reads as out of gas.  Or it doesn't feed steadily into the gas pump so effectively does run out of gas even though technically not out of gas.  We just know now--if you have to park on a hill:  face UP, and if you're low on gas:  don't break hard before you get to the gas station!  Or better yet, don't get low on gas, ever. 

So today Melissa texts me that when she stopped in her parking spot at work that her Blazer stalled out and wouldn't restart.  She called it a Sloshing Incident.   Yep.  I was ready to come to the rescue if necessary, but it started fine when she went to go home.  This time! 

Crazy cars.

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