Friday, July 8, 2016

Sun Sensitivity

This inability to handle being in the sun is really starting to annoy me. I'm beginning to feel like one of those delicate girls in the movies that swoon whenever things get to be too much. I have never been that kind of person. When things bother me I just muscle through.

Today when I was changing the letters on the church sign, I had to go inside twice because the sun and the heat made me so dizzy.  Of course it doesn't help that we are having one of the hottest summers in recent years. We have been above normal most of the summer. And many days in the high nineties.  

I was almost done when Beverly came out to talk to me and a wave of dizziness swept over me so fast that I actually sat flat down on the driveway in the parking lot because I was afraid if I tried to stand longer I would fall over.  There was no real place to sit and I knew I'd never make it all the way back into the building.

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